"How to approach a Multinational Company"
Dr Barry Stoodart
Leeds Central Library
Wednesday 21 Sept 2005
18:00 - 19:45
18:00 - 19:45
The Leeds Inventors Group brings inventors and other innovative or creative people together with academics, business people, central and local government, engineers, investors, lawyers, patent agents and all sorts of other professional people. It builds on the services already offered by Leeds Patent Information Unit as well as the monthly inventors' clinics run by local patent agents. The Group plans a website with up to date information tailored for people in and around Leeds.
The Group's first activity is a regular talk at 18:00 on the third Wednesday of every month except August and December. These were launched on 20 July by Lawrence Smith-Higgins, head of awareness, information and media at the UK Patent Office. He spoke on the modern Patent Office and its services for inventors. Lawrence will be a hard act to follow but if anyone can keep up the momentum it will be Barry Stoddart of Procter & Gamble in Newcastle. Barry is a very entertaining speaker but he also has plenty of tips. P & G actually invites proposals for new products and services form outsiders. Barry will explain what the company is looking for and how to pitch an idea to P & G.
All talks will take place at:
Business and Patent Information Services
3rd Floor Suite
Central Library
Calverley Street
Telephone: +44(0)113 247 8266
Fax: +44(0)113 247 8268
Email: piu@leeds.gov.uk